TEXT LOCATION QUERY FORM: Search the database for words in all categories. Useful for finding words in the German or English translations, for finding words from Old Turkic or other languages mentioned in commentaries, or for finding texts by their signature. The search can be narrowed by selecting LANGUAGE and/or TEXT and/or CATEGORY.

CORPUS LOCATION QUERY FORM: Search for Old Turkic words in the VATEC text corpus. Useful for finding occurrences of Old Turkic words, given by transcription or translation. Even just a part of the word can be given, completed by joker signs: "ada*" thus represents all words beginning with "ada". Here the search can be narrowed by specifying whether TRANSCRIPTION and/or PRECISE TRANSCRIPTION and/or TRANSLITERATION shall be searched and by selecting LANGUAGE and/or TEXT and/or WRITING SYSTEM and/or INK COLOR (words written in RED are marked in the database). As some lines of the corpus are partially reconstructed, you can exclude such conjectures from the query by checking "Only fully preserved words", which will still give you words with insecure readings (marked by upper question marks), but not words that are only partially documented or inferred from parallel texts.
Clicking on the text name reference in the findings will take you to the context of the occurrence in question (in a new browser window).

MORPHEME COMBINATION QUERY FORM: Search for Old Turkic words containing specified morphemes. Useful for finding occurrences of morphemes and of combinations of morphemes in the same word. The morphemes can be selected from pull down menues. Up to one lexeme and two suffixes can be specified, either by form, gloss or part of speech (for lexemes) or function (for suffixes). You can also select one lexeme and then further specify within the glosses or parts of speech available for this lexeme by clicking SPECIFY and selecting accordingly. Many more variants of this are possible.

WRITINGS OF WORDS QUERY FORM: Find all writings within the VATEC text corpus for an Old Turkic word (given in transcription). Useful for finding all writings for an Old Turkic word. As in the CORPUS LOCATION QUERY FORM you can also exclude conjectures by selecting "Only fully preserved words."

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